what is activism?

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I’m currently chest-deep in interview right now for my book — and in fact, I’ve stopped writing in favour of these interviews, because the insights that each of these amazing people shares provides a new dimension for how I want to tackle this little project on joy and activism. So far, I’ve interviewed authors and psychiatrists and social workers and entrepreneurs and even religious scholars, all of whom are also avid and committed activists in their own rights.

And let me tell you, when the world is on fire? There is nothing like talking to people who are committed to changing the world to give you hope.

As I interview each person, one of the things I find myself turning over and around in my head is the definition of “activism.” I find dictionary definitions of the word to be somewhat limited, so I thought I’d crowdsource a definition:

how would you define activism?

Please share your definition in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

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Soundtrack: Rise up by Ady Suleiman