Read :: articles to help you make light
If you’re looking for inspiration, tips or tricks to help you curate joy, cultivate gratitude, or give back, take a look at the articles below.
Write :: journal prompts and dreamsheets
Looking for ways to infuse your life and work with meaning and purpose? These journaling dreamsheets will prompt you with introspective questions to help you find your purposes, identify your superpowers, and chart your course. Click on any of the images below to download your free dreamsheet.
make light manifesto 2018
Need help planning your year ahead? Click below to download your make light manifesto dreamsheet -- a journaling guide to help you reflect on the past year, name what you want for the new year, and help develop your word or mantra for the year ahead.
word of the year
I've always found a word of the year far more powerful than a new year's resolution -- a mantra to help guide my decision-making for the coming year, that helps me stay the course. Click the button below to download a dreamsheet to find your own word of the year.
your core values
Being courageous – whether it’s trying something new, or standing your ground, or saying your peace – calls on you to experience a certain amount of vulnerability. And vulnerability is never comfortable. This worksheet will help you identify your core values … and show you who you should thank for showing you the way. Download a dreamsheet to walk you through finding your core values.
setting intentions
Feeling like your to-do lists don't include enough self-care, or incorporate your values? This worksheet will help you set your intentions for the day -- and perhaps even your week/month/season ahead. Click below to download a dreamsheet to help you name your intentions -- and add meaning to your days.
word of the year: progress sheet
How is your year going for you so far? Are you manifesting your word of the year? This worksheet will help you do a gut check on your word of the year progress ... and will help you identify the actions, skills and talents you can make sure to do more of in the coming months. Download a dreamsheet to help you identify your progress -- you may discover you're further along than you think.
saying no, saying yes
What do you want to clear out to make room for awesome for the rest of the year? This worksheet will help you think about what needs to go, and what you'd like to invite into your life. Click the button below to download a dreamsheet that will help you think of what you want to say yes to -- and take steps to make room to make it happen.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
— Harriet Tubman

LISTEN :: the make light show
Every week, I host The Make Light Show, a podcast all about how to use your gifts and purpose to change your world.Listen to the most recent episodes below or head to the podcast page to filter by topic.
WATCH :: inspirational videos
These videos are what making light is all about. Enjoy.
The Secret to Better Work :: Shawn Anchor
We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk from TEDxBloomington, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity.
The Power of Vulnerability :: Brené Brown
Brené Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.
Karen Walrond's lunchtime keynote at the Erma Bombeck Writers' Conference at the University of Dayton, Ohio, April 6, 2018. She shares lessons of resiliency learned from natural disasters and attempted murder.
Where joy hides and how to find it :: Ingrid Fetell Lee
Cherry blossoms and rainbows, bubbles and googly eyes: Why do some things seem to create such universal joy? In this captivating talk, Ingrid Fetell Lee reveals the surprisingly tangible roots of joy and shows how we all can find -- and create -- more of it in the world around us.
It’s time for the final episode of Season 5! Happy graduation, class of 2020.