check in (also, one week left to apply to be a part of the star collective!)

Funny story about these flowers: Marcus stole the plant from an abandoned lot a few years ago, and stuck it in an empty pot we had lying around, with the intent of planting them in our garden. He never got around to it, and despite being moved sever…

Funny story about these flowers: Marcus stole the plant from an abandoned lot a few years ago, and stuck it in an empty pot we had lying around, with the intent of planting them in our garden. He never got around to it, and despite being moved several times (and surviving sitting in floodwaters for 2 weeks!), they’ve been thriving. They blossom every year around Easter, and a couple of nights ago, I found out they’re called Striped Barbados Lily. This makes me so happy.

Well, we’re hanging in there. There are certainly things that are challenging: Marcus works in an industry that is being deeply affected by the faltering economy, so this, of course, makes us nervous. Alex got her driver’s license about 2 days before we went into lockdown (and the night before her spring break!), so it’s been really frustrating for her (to say she was pacing the house like a caged animal for a while is an understatement). But even with these annoyances, we realize that we have it pretty great: we’re safe in our home, we’re healthy, and we have food in our cupboard. Since I’ve been working from home for the last 8 years or so, my routine hasn’t changed too much. Most of my coaching clients have been all over the country (with a few outside of the country), so I’d been working virtually for a while — the only difference is that I now do the same for Houston clients. Working from home is new for Marcus, but after a few fits and starts with technology, he’s found a groove. And even though Alex isn’t able to attend school, her school is tiny, and so they were able to slip into a teaching routine that allows the students and teachers to connect with each other in a way that doesn’t feel too overwhelming, so that’s good, too. So while the news is unsettling, we’re dealing with considerable cabin fever, and we have family members who are on the front line fighting this virus (so we’re obviously worried about them); still, there’s no arguing that our immediate family is okay.

So, first things first, folks … how are you holding up? Are you settled into a routine at home yet? Does it feel comfortable, or unnatural? Are you connecting with friends and family the best way you can? Are you taking care of yourself?

Tell me something good.

I also wanted to mention that registration for the Star Collective — my group coaching offering — is still open, and will be for the next week (until the 15th). This group is going to be smaller than I’d hoped, but the upside means that we’re going to be able to go deep with an intimate cohort of like-minded, good-hearted women with a mind for changing the world. I’d love if you’d join us — simply click the button below to learn more and apply.