some book inspiration (and registration is almost closed for the star collective)

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So today is a good day: I received some amazing personal news that I can’t wait to share with you (which I will definitely do tomorrow. Stay tuned.)

In the meantime, I’ve been spending the past few days preparing for the Star Collective, which launches on May 1st. The Star Collective is my group coaching/mastermind offering for an intimate group people who are big on using their superpowers to live a meaningful, purposeful and value-driven life. As I was getting things together this weekend, I pulled together the stack of books in this image, representing all the philosophies that will underpin the work we do together over the following 7 months, by authors who have most inspired why and how I do the work that I do. I can't wait to wade in with the intimate group of folks who have registered to be a part of this experience.

Registration for the Collective ends this Wednesday (day after tomorrow!), and get this: there’s only one spot left. So if you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to join me, please do — I’d love to have you.

Click this link or the button below to apply — and remember, there are only two days left. (If you don’t apply, then do yourself a favour, and at least consider grabbing a copy of one more of the books in this image — you will be thrilled you did). And again, stay stay tuned for tomorrow — I’ve been champing at the bit to share this news with you, and the time has finally come!