on new years that don't begin in january (and some changes to the star collective!)

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At the beginning of the year, I have to admit I wasn’t ready. I mean, I know that we’re conditioned to think of the end of a calendar year as a time to finish up unfinished business, and make preparations for all-new beginnings, but the truth is that I was "finishing up” well into the new year. And it’s only within the last … I dunno, 3 weeks or so? … that I’ve started to feel like beginnings are actually beginning.

Does that make sense?

My friend Gayla Trail, who is a gardener and the author of the wonderful book You Grow Girl, is in the habit of not sending out Christmas cards, or even New Year’s cards, but spring equinox cards. From her perspective, the year truly begins when buds start making their appearance in her gorgeous back garden. If you think about it, it makes sense, doesn’t it? Why do we celebrate a new year in the dead of winter? More logical would be to celebrate the new year when the world is waking up. And by extension, perhaps it even makes sense to start the year when your world is waking up. Why not set your personal new year to begin whenever you’d prefer?

It’s worth thinking about.

As I’ve mentioned, my “new year” has begun during the last couple of weeks, with several events that I can’t wait to tell you about; however, most importantly, I’d like to share some updates to The Star Collective, which I think are pretty exciting. I’ve had such an amazing cadre of people applying for The Star Collective —my group coaching/networking/mastermind offering that is currently open for application — and the more I meet with people, the more excited I get. I’ve also adjusted the offering a little, to help make the collective even more meaningful for you:

  • I’m replacing the in-person retreat with 2 one-on-one individual coaching sessions. As I considered the offering (which, incidentally, includes monthly leadership coaching Zoom calls, journaling prompts, a private, ad-free community on the platform Mighty Networks), and met with applicants to hear their amazing goals for themselves, I decided it might be even more meaningful to have a private coaching session with each member about two-thirds of the way through our time together, so that in addition to getting the support from the community, you can get personalized coaching for your individual goals. I’ll obviously be available throughout the session to for any and all questions, but I think the devoted time we’ll also spend together will really help ensure you make positive progress toward your goals.

  • To that end, I’m dropping the price of The Star Collective! Your membership investment will be $3750 if paid at prior to the start of the Collective, and $3900 if paid in installments (details to follow). This is a discount of over $1000 from the initial price — and more, if you consider that you would have incurred additional travel costs for the retreat. So you’ll be getting a more personalized experience, for less cost to you.

I hope you’ll join me and the lovely people who have already become members of The Star Collective. Please click the button below to apply — as part of the application process, you’ll also have the opportunity to ask me any questions you might have about the experience.

I can’t wait for you to join us. Let’s start your new year together.