happy new year!
From left to right: my Alexis, my niece Elleanna, my sister-in-law Kate, nephew Samuel and niece Keziah. (Not pictured: me, my husband Marcus, and my brother-in-law, Nigel.) Angels, all.
Happy New Year!
As I write this, my sister-in-law and her family have belong their long journey back to Cornwall, United Kingdom. It has been an absolute joy having them -- for reasons not the least of which is that their laughter, stories, unlimited cups of tea and baking (OH, THE BAKING) have fully transformed our house into a home. Before they left, naturally, we made blackeyed peas because hey, we're in the southern US, and everyone in the southern US knows that blackeyed peas bring good luck for the new year. It’s a scientific fact.
What a gift this visit has been.
And now the house is quiet. The Christmas decorations are already down (we took them down yesterday), and Marcus, Alex and I now get to figure out what “routine” in this new space looks like. I’ve already chosen a word for my year (which I’ll share soon), but if I had to pick a secondary word, one that encapsulated what I hope for the year (as opposed to what I plan to accomplish this year), that word would definitely be routine. With all of the excitement of 2017 and 2018 (some wonderful, some horrible), I’m definitely hoping for calm this year, punctuated with moments of happiness. Contentment, say.
Yes: contentment sounds wonderful.
For the record, as I figure out what “routine” looks like for me, I suspect it will include a return to my camera, after a 15-month break from serious shooting — which means that you’ll likely be seeing more of me around here. I’m excited for this: I hope we can connect even more here on Chookooloonks. And of course, my wish for you is that your 2019 is full of contentment, too, with as much wonderful excitement as you wish to create.
Here’s to making all sorts of light in 2019: soft glows, blinding supernovas or twinkling sparkles, depending on how we each feel, in any given moment. Sending you love and light, friends.
Soundtrack: I’ll take you there by the Staple Singers
A little about the new book.