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A few weeks ago, Marcus asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I couldn’t think of anything, until suddenly I remembered that we still had hundreds of bricks left over from when we built our house.

“You know that patio that you built for yourself at the bottom of the garden?”


“I’d like one outside of my home office. Sort of an indoor-outdoor office space.”


I had no idea how much work it would take — but God bless him he did it. Today he’s building a planter box for some tall grasses, and then this weekend, I’ll be able to fully decorate it, complete with solar-powered string lights.

Because you all know how I love some string lights.

It’s just in time, too: this morning, I learned that our county had almost 4500 new COVID cases JUST YESTERDAY:

Four thousand, four hundred and seventy-seven new cases yesterday. I mean, yikes, right?

So it looks like we’re going to going back into our home more solidly for the coming days (weeks? months?). We’re back to grocery delivery, back to limiting who we interact with (keeping my parents in our pod this time — last time we didn’t, and that was hard.).

And I’ll likely spending a lot of time on my new little outdoor office space.


In other news, my friend Susannah Conway is beginning her twelfth year of her “August Break” — a photo challenge for sharing a photo a day for the month of August. Since I’m going back inside, it seems like a good thing to do to while away the days, yes?

So stay tuned.