around here

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I’ve officially begun writing my book. And it’s been like drinking from a firehose.

This book is so unlike my first one: The Beauty of Different is, really, a collection of independent essays and interviews. I’ve always said that it’s the perfect bathroom book: you can pick it up and open it to any page, and start reading. When I was writing it, I simply came up with topics, and when it came time to write them, I just started writing. I interviewed people, and then just described our conversation. And if I had writer’s block, I just photographed. It was really, as the subtitle suggests, a collection of observations.

But this book … this book — has arc. And a flow. And requires more research. So I’m busy interviewing the most amazing folks, and reading the most amazing books, and drawing all over white boards and windows with dry erase marker, and sticking Post-It notes everywhere, and my family is beginning to become mildly alarmed that my tiny home studio is starting to look like the shed in A Beautiful Mind. Except maybe with less “beautiful.”

I was writing in my journal this morning that the process of creating this book feels like I imagine what it would feel like to put a new dog sled team together, with young, eager Malamutes who’ve never run with each other before. Or a conductor creating a choir of amazing voices who have never sung together. I’m getting all this amazing information, and I’m not entirely sure how it will all work together yet.

Or something.

In the meantime, our magnolia tree is quietly blooming. Spring is slowly becoming summer. The world spins madly on.

(How are you?)

Soundtrack: World spins madly on by The Weepies

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