this was a good week

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This was a good week. Here’s why:

Some neighbourhood kids added a chalk heart to the fence of an abandoned lot nearby, I had a lovely Mother’s Day (Marcus and Alex both gave me original art created by them, and really, what more could I want?) and although it’s crunch time for Alex, we’re fast approaching the end of the school year. Alleluia.

• Speaking of Mother’s Day, Steve McCurry has photographed mothers around the world. Gorgeous.

• Brandon Stanton, of Humans of New York, is a street photographer who interviews folks he meets — but Covid-19 put a stop to that. However, he’s been collecting stories and images that people send him, and posting his favourites, calling them #quarantinestories. I loved this one.

• Speaking of Covid-19, these two photographers documented their experience when one of them fell ill. Luckily, his symptoms weren’t too severe, resulting in this lovely photo essay.

A timelapse film of the 4 seasons in Denmark. It apparently took over 3 years to make. Gorgeous.

• And finally, today’s soundtrack: Bright lights by HAEVN. I’m desperately missing the Caribbean right now, and I just love the light through the water in this lyric video, especially paired with the dreamy song. Click here or the image below to enjoy.

Happy Friday, lovelies. See you next week.