advice to your high school self

Alex. Saturday, January 4, 2020
This week, I’ve been invited (along with several other parents) to appear at “career day” at Alex’s high school. We’re supposed to make ourselves available for high schoolers to ask us about our various careers, and at the end, we’ll all be convened and, one-by-one, we’re each supposed to give them some advice, as they consider what they might want to do after they graduate high school — how to determine their professions, how and where (and if) they should go to university, that sort of thing.
I already think I know what I’m going to say, but I thought it would be interesting to crowdsource this: what advice would you give to high schoolers (or your high school self), given your own career, experience, and everything you know now? Let me know in the comments, below.
a reminder of cadence.