design your work: make light season 5, episode 10

Recently, I watched an amazing documentary on the work of famed interior designer Ilse Crawford — and her design philosophy rocked my world. I think there’s a way to think like an interior designer to completely uplevel the way you work — no matter what your career might be.
In this episode:
The Netflix docuseries ABSTRACT. Ilse Crawford is on season 1, episode 8.
Click here to learn more about my coaching (don’t forget you heard about it on The Make Light Show — there’s a discount in it for ya!)
Click here to learn about the Star Collective — my group coaching/mastermind group — I’d love to have you!
Click the arrow below to listen.
Join me as I share my favourite tips for creating a home office that is both effective and luxurious. (Yes, it’s possible.)
These are tense times. Here’s how to stay calm.
Join me while I share why I think it’s important to look for the good news — and proof that it exists.
Turns out that the lessons of an acclaimed interior designer can be applied to all of our professions. Here’s how.
Join me as I speak with travel writer Pam Mandel about the magic of everything travel.
Join me today as I share a creative way to remain on task with your goals, and why you might turn yourself into an artist along the way.
Join me and wellness coach Laura Conely as we discuss why moving for spiritual health might make more sense than moving for physical health.
Join me as I share strategies for making sense of your past year, and set you up for a great 2020.
Join me as I share my top tips for reducing stress over the holidays. Because we all deserve a joyful end-of-year.
It’s time for the final episode of Season 5! Happy graduation, class of 2020.