random thoughts: dorothea lange, resonance and art as activism random thoughts, how to make lightKaren WalrondSeptember 2, 2014dorothea lange, art, photography, activism Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondAugust 29, 2014this was a good week, christopher walken, afropunk, native american Comments
this was a good week (& the philosophy behind it) a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondAugust 22, 2014matt harding, national geographic, marfa Comments
how to do a full marathon & save some kids' lives without training even once (aka the #miraclemarathon) big plans, placesKaren WalrondAugust 18, 2014#miraclemarathon, texas children's hospital Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondAugust 15, 2014this was a good week Comments
affected (updated) random thoughtsKaren WalrondAugust 14, 2014Ferguson, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, race, racism Comments
believe in what you do random thoughtsKaren WalrondAugust 12, 2014purpose, life, robin williams Comment
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondAugust 8, 2014happy, Trinidad & Tobago, stephen colbert, LEGO Comments
as we say in my country, "p'ok-a-p'ok" big plansKaren WalrondAugust 6, 2014garden, digital and analogue Comments