this was a good week friends, big plans, a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondAugust 1, 2014dove, alexandra jackson, jess weiner, shot@life, #blogust Comments
chookooloonks fine art prints, technology cases, laptop skins now available! big plansKaren WalrondJuly 30, 2014skins, technology cases Comments
concrete jungle where dreams are made of placesKaren WalrondJuly 28, 2014Brooklyn, new york city, finslippy, alice bradley Comments
perspective places, random thoughtsKaren WalrondJuly 28, 2014travel, san francisco, Alex and Ani, ONE Comments
this was a good week places, a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJuly 24, 2014family, ONE, san franciscoComment
this is a test of my emergency blogcast system big plans, placesKaren WalrondJuly 23, 2014travel, Alex and Ani, ONE Comments
a little of this and a little of that (and a trip to san francisco) big plansKaren WalrondJuly 22, 2014san francisco, andrea scher, the one campaign, gardeningComment
a review of the sony cybershot dsc-rx100 iii point-and-shoot (short version: it's amazing) placesKaren WalrondJuly 21, 2014sony cybershot dsc-rx100 iii, review, point-and-shoot, camera Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJuly 18, 2014pomplamoose, drones, miracle marathon, photography, sony cybershot DSC-RX100 III Comments
penetrable random thoughts, placesKaren WalrondJuly 14, 2014#sotosummer, Jesús Rafael Soto, penetrable, museum of fine arts houston, MFAH Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJuly 11, 2014summer, cool videos Comments
the 2014 chookooloonks reader survey -- the results! big plansKaren WalrondJuly 10, 2014survey says Comments