#lookforthelight: august 2014
My favourite light-filled Instagram images that I captured this month.
Summer's unofficially over around here -- our schedule has returned to doing the School Year Shuffle. Even though the thermometer argues otherwise (it's still so hot), I can already tell that the days are just beginning to get shorter, and cooler weather is a few weeks away. I have to admit, I'll be happy to see it arrive.
That said, it appears that we've all celebrated the summer light of August in fine fashion! And so, without further ado, here are my favourite of your amazing light-filled images that you've shared with light-lovers everywhere over the past month. As always, please click on the photographer's name to see the rest of their beautiful photographs.
Left: @songbird3073
Right: @ewmcguire
Left: @foxglovelane
Right: @iheartbueno
Left: @stampacrossthemiles
Right: @josypete
Left: @francinecallaloosoup
Right: @jamiscull
Left: @fridascafe
Right: @latorres78
Thanks so much for sharing these great images, friends.
Also & incidentally, early this week I mentioned that back-to-school always feels like the start of a new year for me; as such, I find myself craving inspiration during this time of year. Well as it happens, my friend Farrah Braniff, a beautiful photographer who just landed a teaching gig at a local high school, shared the first of her weekly inspiration for her students on her Instagram account. I asked her if she would continue to do so for the rest of us who aren't lucky enough to be in her class, and she obliged -- so continue to watch her account for more inspiration goodness.
Also-also & incidentally, as part of that discussion, I pointed her to this post, where another Instagrammer took it upon himself last year to make a diverse list of photographers he follows on Instagram -- and happily, he keeps updating the list. Lots of good there.
And with that, keep looking for the light, friends. See you in September.
Thanks again to all of you who participated this month in #lookforthelight -- keep 'em coming! If you'd like to participate and you have an Instagram account (it's free), simply grab shots of the light in your life with your mobile device, and add the hashtag "#lookforthelight" to your shot, either in the caption or in the comments. I'll feature my 10 favourite shots again at the end of September here on Chookooloonks, giving lots of link love, naturally. And of course, click here to see all the submissions (and feel free to follow along my own progress at heychookooloonks on Instagram!).
Song: 32 flavors, as performed by Alana Davis. This song has always said "autumn" to me.