this was a good week

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This was a good week! Here’s why:

• The weather in Houston has been great (although there are hints of it soon becoming unbearably hot), I’ve been working outside in my back garden a ton, and I had a good long virtual talk/catch-up with one of my dearest friends. It’s all good.

• When we rebuilt on our land, we ended up having a much bigger yard than we had pre-Hurricane Harvey. Marcus and Alex desperately want a pool, but the idea of building my own tiny forest appeals to me more (besides, it’s cheaper and more ecologically friendly. What do you think?

This story of resiliency makes my heart soar.

• I am a person who finds solace in routine — for sure. I suspect if I lived alone during this time, I’d feel DOUBLY that way. Which is why I love this list of nonnegotiable daily activities that my friend Susannah shared, all about keeping her mental health intact. While they all might not resonate with you, a few of them might feel right to include in your own daily routine.

• Finally, today’s soundtrack: Curt Smith, lead singer of Tears for Fears and his daughter covered the Tears For Fears song Mad Word from quarantine, and it’s beautiful. Click here or on the image below to listen.

Have a lovely weekend, Starshines. See you next week.