this was a good week
My mom congratulates Alex on receiving her middle school diploma, Wednesday, May 29th, 2018. High school, here we come!
This was a good week! Here are a few reasons why:
• Alex graduated 8th grade this week -- she's officially now a freshman in high school! All of us are walking around in a haze of excitement and incredulity (high school already?!). But first? Summer.
• This whale saved this scientist's life. I love this story so much.
• And speaking of wildlife, check out these highlights from the National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year contest. This planet is so beautiful, man.
• This quick video of Kapa Haka, the Māori art form.
• This longer video about an artist who is disrupting racism in journalism. The article is good, but the video is where the magic is. A little over 8-1/2 minutes long, and worth every second.
• Ever wondered how the Disney princesses would've turned out if they'd had actual careers? Wonder no more.
• And finally, for today's soundtrack: yesterday I discovered Weezer covered Africa. Need I say more?
Click here or the image below to sing along. You know you know all the words. (And if you have a spare 10 minutes, check out this hilarious speech by author Steve Almond about why "Africa" is the awful song you can't help but absolutely adore. Guilty.)
On that nostalgic note, have a great weekend, friends.