sunday workspace (24/100)

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You know, for all my self-care talk, one thing I’m abysmal at is taking weekends off. I work 7 days a week, about 8 hours a day. I keep meaning to take weekends off, but then I find that I haven’t finished everything I’d hoped to finish by Friday, so I need to take the weekend to finish that off, so I can start the Monday fresh.

I know. I know.

I’ve got 8 hours ahead of me today, so I decided that at the very least, I should have a change of scenery. So I went outside. It’s STUPID hot outside today (I suspect we’ll hit triple digits), but I’ve got a tumbler of ice water with me and two fans pointed at me full blast, so so far, so good.

Soundtrack: 96 degrees in the shade by Third World

96 Degrees In the Shade
Third World