so close

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Today is my daughter Alex's last day of finals of her sophomore year: she’s had essays to turn in, presentations to give, and is working on her final project to submit. And girlfriend is tired. I told her that this is the moment where the football is cruising midair toward the waiting receiver, or the basketball is hurtling toward the basket, or the runner spies the finish line ahead, and lowers her head to give her body that last burst of power. It’s that moment when she has finally given it her all, and all she can hear is her own heartbeat. There’s nothing left to do but … hope.

Today is the culmination of an extraordinary amount of hard work on her part, and she is feelin’ it. And I don’t know about you all, but personally, I cannot wait for this school year to be over. Poor Al needs to decompress. I suspect that Alex is going to sleep the entire first week of summer vacation away.

Here’s to the kids making it to the end of their school years, and all the adults in their lives who helped them get there — teachers, parents, aunties, uncles, counselors, mentors — all of them. You’ve earned some rest.

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Soundtrack: The Distance by Cake