envisioning the new year
Some of the images that will likely make it on to my vision board this year.
Now that we’re all moved in, I’ve been furiously working on the projects that have been put on the back burner over the last few weeks. Luckily for me, one of those projects is the creation of my vision board, which is an integral part of my online course, create.2019 (registration is open now until December 28th, the course starts on January 2nd). Over this week, I’ve been thinking about what I want 2019 to look like — what my Word of the Year will be, how I want to manifest it over the next 12 months, and how I want to show up as I make it happen.
And friends? It is absolutely the tonic that I needed.
With the chaos of the last 15 months, it had been a couple of years since I’d created a vision board, and I’d forgotten how clarifying the process is. How meditative. There’s something about taking the time to reflect and dream, especially in the middle of all the crazy that the holiday season often brings.
I’d love for you to join me in create.2019, but even more than that, I really wish for you some time devoted just to you over the next few weeks, especially if 2018 has been a challenging year for you. It might be just the tonic you need to bring some peace to your year end, and put yourself in the right mindset for the coming year.
the tonic you need: create.2019
Thanks so much to all of you who have already registered for my brand new ecourse, create.2019! If you haven’t already registered, I hope you’ll join me: in this new e-course, you’ll receive exercises and prompts helping you reflect on 2018, dream about what you want 2019 to look like, and make a plan to set those dreams in motion.
It’s the perfect gift for yourself. Only US$ 60, no matter where it the world you are.
I hope you’ll join me, friends. Registration closes Friday, December 28, 2018.
Let’s #makelight together for 2019.
A little about the new book.