we the people choose love (69/100)


Last night, during the political debates between the two candidates for the position of leader of the country, the president of the United States told the Proud Boys — a designated hate group, a “far-right, neo-fascist, male-only organization that promotes and engages in political violence” — to “stand back and stand by.” The Proud Boys subsequently celebrated the president’s words and took them as marching orders.

Okay, so here’s what: I assume that most of you who are both American voters and follow my work aren’t supporters of the president. And I assume that those who are supporters of the president aren’t followers of my work. And I honestly have no idea what to say to voters who haven’t made up their mind yet between the candidates (because, really?).

So this is for those of you who are qualified to vote in America but are so disillusioned that you’re considering sitting out the election: I’m BEGGING you to choose love.

Let me be very clear: when I say “choose love,” I’m NOT equating Biden with love. I mean, he’s certainly qualified, and seems to be a decent-enough guy, but I’m not exactly a raving fan of the former Vice President. When I say “choose love,” I’m talking about choosing love for each other. If you are enraged by the fact that the country’s current leader tries to incite violence of citizen against citizen, choose to show love by registering to vote and voting to ensure that he loses. People refusing to vote are how we got in this situation in the first place. We cannot risk another 4 years of insidious bigotry and violence against our fellow citizens (not to mention those who seek asylum in this country). We just can’t. And then, after the election, when Biden and Harris are in the White House? Work your ass off to hold them accountable. Americans love to talk about this country being the freest in the world: if this is true, then those of us who are citizens of this country have a responsibility to exercise that freedom by both voting and holding our leaders accountable. Democracy doesn’t end after you walk out of the polling booth.

There’s a reason the US Constitution begins with the words “we the people” — because we the people are the only power this country has to change fascism, racism, discrimination, bigotry, and and all other ills in this country.

It is down to we the people. It is down to we the people choosing love.

So. Please click on this link to see if you’re registered to vote, and if you’re not, register. And then, of course, vote. Vote early if you can, or by mail — lines on election day will likely be long. And for those of you who are ready to go? Think about how you can support those who might have a problem getting to the polls, by volunteering to be a driver. Or helping to feed those who will be standing in line. Do at least one more thing. Join we the people in a love revolution.

Related: my friend Brené had Bishop Michael Curry on her podcast — you know, the amazing bishop who preached at Prince Harry & Meghan’s wedding, who talks about the power of love to change the world. His new book, Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times, is out now, and it’s just lovely. If you’ve got a solid hour and a half, you can listen to the podcast episode here or by clicking on the arrow below — it’s a true balm. But he said something that I loved, and is relevant:

“The civil rights movement at its best and strongest was motivated by love. It was a fight for justice and equality that was not a fight to destroy, but a fight to build up. It was a fight to create a new world. So, you know, Mahatma Gandhi used militaristic language to talk about those who engaged in the work of nonviolence, because you are struggling against something, but not against people. You’re struggling against systems and ways of being and ways of living and organizing a society that are putting some down, and people who think they’re benefiting from it? They’re being put down at the same time. So you don’t struggle against the people, you struggle against the system, the issue — whatever it happens to be. You seek to convert the people. You seek to transform not only the oppressed, but the oppressor as well. Because that’s the only way we’re all gon’ get free.”

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