celebrate good times, come on

This weekend, I finished my manuscript for my fourth book. I’ve also received the suggested edits from my publisher for the first seven chapters, so I need to get on those. Also, Friday begins a season of tons of travel and speaking.

Being the Type A personality that I am, it is very tempting — I mean, very tempting — to just keep barrelling through. There’s work to be done, and I’ve got a full calendar until mid-December. Head down, through the tape, I always say.

But I’ve finally learned that this is a recipe for fast-tracked burnout. So this weekend, was all about celebrating the milestone of finishing the manuscript.

I asked Marcus to take me out to dinner.

I spent some time playing in my art journal.

And yesterday, my parents came over to sample Marcus’s perfected paella recipe.

This wasn’t easy — for the entire weekend, I had to keep myself from peeking at those edits, or drafting the slide deck for my upcoming speaking engagement. But make no mistake: part of doing my work is acknowledging when I’ve made some progress. Scheduling some downtime. Making time to tend to my relationships with folks who are important to me, not to mention my relationship to myself.

So my wish for us this week? That we all take time to notice when we’ve hit a milestone, and we do something to mark the occasion. We owe it to ourselves, and to the people we love.

Have an amazing week, friends.