nablopomo day 4: away from home

Today I roadtrip to Nacogdoches, Texas (say that 5 times fast), to speak at the Stephen F. Austin State University Leadership Conference tomorrow.  I'm so looking forward to it -- I love speaking at universities, and that's a fact -- but what has me completely geeked out is that the lunchtime keynote speaker is Arun Gandhi, founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, and the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi himself.  I've been reading about Mr. Gandhi (the grandson), and the Institute for Nonviolence, as well as the Gandhi Worldwide Institute, and I'm just so thrilled to sit in his session and soak up whatever he has to say and share.   I can't wait.

In other news:  as always, I'm sharing what I've been grateful for this week over at my other blog, Bliss Your Heart.  Come share what has been wonderful in your life this week, as well.

That's it for now.  Wish me safe travels, friends.  Back ... tomorrow!  Because I'm Nablopomo-ing!  I'm on fire!


Image:  My little studio, at dusk.  Photographed with my Nikon D300, 50mm lens.  aperture 1.4, shutter speed 1/500, ISO 250


Song: The Heart of the Matter by Rupert Hine


Karen Walrond4 Comments