this is a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJuly 29, 2016photography, ghost stories, lola akinmade Comment
in defense of photoshop (or the pursuit of truth) Karen WalrondJuly 25, 2016photography, photoshop Comments
there was good in this week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJuly 15, 2016maya angelou, art, photography, jenny lawson Comments
recommitting friends, random thoughtsKaren WalrondJuly 10, 2016dallas police ambush, alton sterling, philando castile
thrive portrait: nicole friendsKaren WalrondJuly 6, 2016nicole blades, the thrive portrait projectComment
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJuly 1, 20162:12, halle berry, intuition school, jeanine caron, andrea jenkinsComment
thrive portrait: jess friendsKaren WalrondJune 27, 2016jess weiner, feminism, the thrive portrait projectComment
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJune 24, 2016the thrive portrait project, journaling, animation, whiskey tango foxtrot, steve mccurry, martin luther king, orlando Comments
sometimes life needs a good re-stringing random thoughts, family, placesKaren WalrondJune 22, 2016guitar lessons, camp jam, music Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJune 17, 2016van gogh, helen jane hearn, laura mvula, ebru Comment