a few things big plansKaren WalrondApril 26, 2016brené brown, daring way, mom 2.0 summit, asha dornfest, christine koh, jessica ashley Comment
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondApril 22, 2016art, art installation, princeComment
staying on mission random thoughts, big plansKaren WalrondApril 18, 2016mission, mission statement Comment
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondApril 8, 2016humans, journaling, courtship, love Comments
#afroliciousby50: 2-1/2 year update Karen WalrondApril 6, 2016#afroliciousby50, natural hair, black hair Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondApril 1, 2016bobby mcferrin, elephants Comments
thrive out loud: a question-and-answer video series big plansKaren WalrondMarch 30, 2016thrive out loud video seriesComment
on the good old days, and being extraordinary random thoughtsKaren WalrondMarch 28, 2016good vs evil, being extraordinary, kindness Comments
it was time for a new logo big plans, family, placesKaren WalrondMarch 25, 2016orchid, logo, blue Comments