#40daysoflight: thoughts on peace random thoughtsKaren WalrondMarch 23, 2016yusuf islam, brussels, holy week Comments
#40daysoflight: this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondMarch 18, 2016emma watson, lin-manuel miranda Comment
#40daysoflight: why daylight savings time is awesome placesKaren WalrondMarch 15, 2016redbud tree Comments
#40daysoflight: under the sea placesKaren WalrondMarch 12, 2016the little mermaid, under the sea, disney world, the magic kingdom, #disneytweensComment
#40daysoflight: meeting the wookiee places, familyKaren WalrondMarch 11, 2016disney world, star wars, #disneytweensComment
#40daysoflight: of animal kingdoms and far-away countries placesKaren WalrondMarch 10, 2016epcot, disney world, walt disney, #disneytweensComment
#40daysoflight: to the happiest place on earth! places, familyKaren WalrondMarch 9, 2016walt disney, disney world, #disneytweens Comment
#40daysoflight: journaling, a primer journaling prompt, random thoughtsKaren WalrondMarch 7, 2016journal, journaling, morning pages Comments