this was a good week
This is the Christmas tree we’ve had for years. We bought it about 12 years ago, and it’s gone up every year except for the one when we were in the apartment after Hurricane Harvey. Because we used to keep it in our attic, it survived the flood, and we’d put it in storage with the rest of the items we’d salvaged. It has all of our historical ornaments, including handmade ones Alex (and other children in our family) made over the years. It’s the Story-of-Our-Lives Tree.
This was a good week! Here’s why:
• We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday with family and friends, our Christmas trees are up (check out the captions in the photos to understand why we have more than one tree), and tomorrow is the one year anniversary of our receiving our keys to this house, ending our Hurricane Harvey adventure. Woohoo!
• As you begin your holiday shopping, please don’t forget these beautiful necklaces from my friend Kisii — proceeds from their sale help bring light to people in need (in developing countries, or to folks who have lost electricity due to a natural disaster). She’s already raised hundreds of dollars in donations (thank you to those who’ve already purchased!) — let’s keep it going!
• Ever wondered what happened to E.T.? This commercial lets you know he and Elliott are doing great. (Grab some tissues!)
This is the cheap little tree bought when we were in our apartment, Christmas 2017. It’s filled with ornaments we bought that year, as well as ornaments people gave us (thinking we’d lost our all our ornaments in the flood). We call it our Resilience Tree.
• This artist uses a single strand of thread to make incredible portraits, and my brain can’t even begin to understand how he does this.
• The arm cast these students designed seems brilliant. Hopefully we’ll see more of these in the future?
• Apparently, the adage “elephants never forget” is real. Here’s a beautiful example.
• I love this short film about the hula.
• And finally, for today’s soundtrack (and speaking of dance): since we’re approaching the end of a decade, it seems appropriate to look back at the evolution of dance from 1950 to now. Because why not?
Click here or the image below to enjoy.
Have a great weekend, friends.