this was a good week
This is only a small portion of the LEGO I’ll be doing this coming week. It’s a sickness.
This was a good week! Here’s why:
• Now that LIME is over, I’m starting to plan some really great stuff for 2020 (stay tuned!), today is the last workday before my entire family is off for the Thanksgiving holiday, and my husband bought me a ridiculous amount of LEGO to do while we’re off. I’m in heaven.
• Speaking of Thanksgiving (and the upcoming holiday season), I found this article about how to enjoy without going overboard really timely.
• Speaking again of Thanksgiving, maybe this 5-day gratitude challenge may inspire some joy this coming week?
• The stained glass in this Iranian mosque is mindblowing.
• This article declares it’s about the greatest black photographer I’d never heard of, and it was right — I’d never heard of Moneta Sleet. Amazing work.
• These lovely words from the Talmud. So gorgeous.
• And finally, for today’s soundtrack … a commercial. But stay with me: this commercial features the work of actor and drummer Omar Abidi, as well as incredible percussion prodigy Nandi Bushell, who whales on those drums like a demon. She is just incredible (and has her own Instagram account, if you’d like to follow her). But the commercial is sweet, and nostalgic and heartfelt and … well, you get the idea.
Click here or the image below to watch.
And with all that joy, happy Friday, friends.