this was a good week
Tea and banana bread, baby. Thursday, April 4, 2019.
This was a good week! Here’s why:
• After two weeks with my entire family being one place in the world or another, we’re back together again; also, I was hella productive this week, and my sweet friend Indrani came all the way from the other side of town to visit me for tea. This was a great week.
• This British guy broke dumb English laws in front of the police to see if they’d arrest him. So funny.
• This is my kinda co-working space.
• My inner neat freak is thrilled by this art.
• Speaking of art, my friend Mira Jacob’s brand new graphic memoir, Good Talk, is finally out. Friends, if you are at all interested in anti-racism work, you need to buy this book. It touches on racism, colorism, interracial relationships, immigration and so much more - all while being funny, thought-provoking, and wonderfully vulnerable and courageous. I got my copy on Monday, and since then I’ve read it, put it on my coffee table where I intended for it to live, ended up giving it away to a friend, and ordered another copy for myself. It’s that good.
• And finally, something different for today’s soundtrack: this light-and-mirror-sculpture is mesmerizing. It was commissioned by the City of Alexandria, Virginia, and created by an organization called SOFTlab. Click here or the image below to watch.
And with that bit of beauty, have a great weekend, friends. See you next week.