this was a good week
Getting closer!
Despite the week’s true madness, there was good in this week. Here’s where:
• We have floors! Hopefully not long now until we can move in!
• Since we have floors, I figured it’s time to buy a doormat. I found this place that allows you to customize your own welcome mat — and so I designed this one. I can’t wait to get it. I feel like it captures the soul of our family beautifully, don’t you?
• This body art is mindblowing.
• Actor Chris Hemsworth picked up a hitchhiker, and took him to his destination … via helicopter. What.
• And speaking of travel, my friend Lola (the National Geographic photographer) made a video of the sounds from her recent trip to Uzbekistan. Incredible imagery.
• And speaking of incredible imagery, I have a thing for photographs of storm clouds, and these are gorgeous.
• Speaking of even more photographs, my friend Andrea has returned to daily posting on her blog for the month of November, and her photographs are always so ethereal. Enjoy.
With that, happy Friday, friends. Hope your week had good in it, too.
Soundtrack: Far away by Junip