this was a good week
You gotta love a daytime sandwich joint that has a dozen or so crystal chandeliers.
This was a good week! Here’s why:
• Sure, there were some tough spots — Marcus’ outpatient treatment and the fact that our builder delayed our move-in date being chief among them — but there were also bright spots, like Marcus’ treatment actually working, meeting a new client in a breathtaking treehouse of a restaurant, and the fact that our apartment complex allowed us to extend our lease so we have a place to stay during our construction delay (even though they’d leased our apartment to a new tenant — they found her a different unit). I’ll take things working out in the end every day, man.
• A video illustrating the process behind a 350-year-old recipe for ice cream. Blade of mace, anyone?
• And speaking of old masterpieces, a parade of iconic art masterpieces in a Halloween parade in Japan. Because why not?
• These wedding pictures of a couple eloping in Iceland are breathtaking.
• And finally, for today’s soundtrack and because we’re going to the Ed Sheeran concert this weekend (the tickets were Alex’s birthday present back in March), this fun video of how Sheeran came up with his smash hit, “The Shape of You.” Click here or the image below to watch.
And NaBloPoMo has officially begun. See you tomorrow, friends.