this was a good week
Bono, Wednesday, May 24, 2017, Houston, Texas.
This was a good week! Here's why:
• I mean.
• My friend Lisa Congdon shared some really insightful thoughts on being a workaholic and how she reclaimed her life. Riveting reading.
• Light is an invitation to happiness.
• I'm totally charmed by this dad's parenting mission.
• You are more powerful than you realize. My friend Andrea was hypnotized when she was younger. Love this story about her experience.
• Le kimono Africaine. Folks, I was riveted by this talk: a young Cameroonian designer living in Japan creates beautiful pieces of art that combine icons and rituals of both cultures. His talk is a discussion of two different-but-surprisingly-similar cultures, and touches on appropriation, appreciation and blending. Take a look at this 12-minute talk (and if you don't speak French -- as I don't -- you can turn on English subtitles by clicking the "cc" on the bottom right of the screen). So amazing.
• And now, for today's soundtrack. Yesterday, I mentioned that at some moments during the U2 concert, it felt like church. So it seems fitting to share with you this surprise performance that U2 did on Jimmy Kimmel this week. While the performance of this song here in Houston didn't include a back-up choir, it did include the exact same spiritual feeling.
Click here or the image below to enjoy U2 performing I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. Once they begin singing (at about 2:15), it's best listened to at full volume.
Have a joy-full weekend, friends. See you next week.
(P.S. Only a few more days to register for GLOW at a discount of almost 40% -- it goes back up to regular price at the end of the month. Get it while it's hot!)