this was a good week
Thunderstorms somewhere between New York and Houston at sunset, August 18, 2015
This was a great week! Here's why:
• After a lovely trip to New York City, and a couple of days of down time with my sweet family, I leave today for Nashville to speak at Brené Brown's book launch. So looking forward to it -- and if you're there, please tap me on the shoulder, and say hi!
• Speaking of speaking, my next speaking gig as at the really lovely Blogalicious -- a conference for people of all colours, to be held in Baltimore in September. I'll be talking about evolution (because you know that's on my mind) -- see you there?
• My friend Gayla's garden. So gorgeous.
• I've been having a love affair with mushrooms lately, so when I saw this recipe, I immediately saved it for a rotation VERY soon. (Late Saturday when I return from Nashville, maybe?)
• An interesting photography trend from the 1890s. Maybe I should start doing "backies"?
• The making of 3D street art. That video made my mind go all buggy.
• I was totally charmed by this pictorial of what real life in Fiji looks like. It reminded me strongly of the beach I grew up on. Funny how places on opposite sides of the planet can look exactly the same.
• The youngest master penman in the world. Click here or the image below to watch. My word, this warms the cockles of my handwriting-loving heart.
On that note, have a great weekend, friends. Back next week.