this was a good week
View from the doctor's office of Rice University.
This was a great week. Here's why:
• Marcus had some minor surgery on his leg yesterday -- nothing too serious, outpatient stuff -- but I was still nervous, nonetheless. Everything went totally fine, however, and as of this writing he's resting comfortably. (I took the photograph above from the waiting room while he was in with the doctor. Some people pace when they're nervous. I shoot.)
• Speaking of Marcus, back when we were dating, he mentioned to me that his favourite flower is the poppy. So whenever I see beautiful photographs like these, I have to pause and enjoy them.
• I love these old photographs -- the subjects are the epitome of cool.
• I'm always blown away by street art by talented artists -- and this is no exception.
• Someone needs to tell this groom that the best man is not his friend.
• Who better to read Oh, The Places You'll Go, by Dr. Seuss, than the folks at Burning Man? (Depending on how strict your office is, some of the scenes in that video might not be safe for work -- this is Burning Man, after all. But if you can get past it, it is a beautifully shot video.)
• Admission: since reading Stephen King's IT back in college, I've been afraid of clowns. So if there is a hell, and I am destined for it, I am convinced that I will be spending an eternity at this hotel. (Also, I may never have a good night's sleep again.) (Also a warning for sensitive readers: there's a scene described near the bottom of that post that's pretty graphic. But I promise, just looking at the images will give you a sense of the horrifically weird awesomeness, without having to read to the bottom.)
• And finally, something a bit more sacred after that last item, the song of the day: I'm a huge fan of Bobby McFerrin. (Trust me on this: there is way more to this talented man than that infernal "Don't worry, be happy" song.) One of the things that I love about him is the way he interacts with his audiences, and gets them to make music along with him. I share his teaching one audience about the pentatonic scale here; now, click here or on the image below to watch him get an audience to sing Ave Maria.
(A couple of notes: first, while the song is beautiful, what's even more beautiful is how he interacts with the audience. Second, this song is particularly special to me, because when I was a teenager, I used to play the Bach portion on the piano, while my mom sang the Gounod).
(And one final note: is it me, or is Bobby McFerrin sort of the jazz/classical Prince? I'm right, right?)
With that, have a beautiful weekend, friends. See you next week.