random thoughts: reframing my busy life


Last week, I was listening to NPR, to an interview of Mindy Kaling, the actress who writes, produces and stars in The Mindy Project.  At one point in the interview she talked about how her parents used to tell her that when people ask how she's doing, she shouldn't respond by saying how busy she is.​

"Everyone is busy," said her parents.  "It's therefore somewhat arrogant to say that you are busy.  Everyone is busy -- why pretend that your life is busier than theirs?"​

I've been thinking about this since I listened to it, and I sort of agree.  I mean, if someone were to ask me today how I was doing, my immediate answer would definitely be, "Oh, goodness, you wouldn't believe how busy I am ..." and it would certainly be true.  But honestly, how dare I assume my life is busier than most, or worse, even complain about it?  Life, though manic, is really good right now.

So I've decided that instead of automatically complaining about how busy I am, I'm going to think about my response a bit.  Perhaps it would be more accurate to respond, "my life is full."   Besides, it puts me in the right frame of mind:  it's a lot easier to tackle whatever challenges I have in front of me, if I think of them as being there as a natural part of living a full life, you know?

* * * * * * * *​

I got all of my camera equipment packed today, and got laundry done -- so tomorrow, it's all about the suitcase. In addition, I cleared out more of our kitchen tonight, in preparation for next week's demolition.​

I feel productive today.  My life is full.​

SongLove life by Fatboy Slim (featuring Macy Gray)