my life list, redux
Making a new friend in Kenya (number 61) (photograph by the amazing Morgana Wingard)
Exactly nine years and three days ago, I sat down to create my Life List — a list of at least 100 things to do before I die. The idea was inspired by my friend Maggie Mason, who was passionate about having people create a dream list of things to try to accomplish and experience. I was recently thinking about my list, realizing that I hadn’t looked at it in a while. I was surprised to discover how many things I have done, and frankly, how many there are left to go. There were also a few things that I hadn’t even considered experiencing that actually happened during the past nine years, that had I thought of them at the time, they definitely would’ve made my list. And honestly, there are a few things that I wrote on my list then, that now I find aren’t really that important to me to attempt, and needed to be removed.
Nine years seems like a long enough time to go without updating, so I thought I’d reshare my list here (edited to include some of the changes in the past nine years). And since I haven’t said this recently, I can’t stress enough how much I encourage you to create your own list. Because one of the best ways to make light is to begin by dreaming about how you are going to do it.
my life list, redux:
1. Witness the launch of a spacecraft
2. See the Great Wall of China
3. See the Grand Canyon
4. Learn Flamenco
5. Play a steelpan in Trinidad Panorama
6. Scuba dive in Bali
7. Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef
8. Visit Iceland
9. Visit Tokyo
10. Drive an 18-wheeler
Kelly, September 2010. (one of my portraits for number 16)
11. Hand churn ice cream with Alex
12. Attend a major entertainment awards ceremony (perferably the Oscars, Emmys or Grammys)
13. Attend the opening ceremonies of the summer Olympics
14. Obtain literary recognition for something I wrote
15. Own a little house by the ocean
16. Photograph 1000 adult faces
17. Learn how to make one of those kiddie friendship bracelets
18. After #17, teach Alex how to make one of those kiddie friendship bracelets
19. Visit the very top of the Eiffel Tower
20. Learn how to surf
Me, with my hair all grown out. I cut it last year (to get rid of Hurricane Harvey juju), but before I did, I was able to accomplish number 30. Also, this photograph was taken by one of my idols, photographer Mario Testino, helping me accomplish number 25.
21. Learn how to sing 10 national anthems
22. Learn how to hand make a lei
23. Climb Mount St. Helen
24. Learn to say "You are beautiful" in 100 languages.
25. Be in the room to watch one of my photographer idols work
26. Cook a gourmet meal from start to finish
27. Stomp on grapes to make wine
28. Visit an ashram
29. Visit India
30. Grow my hair long enough that I can French braid it into one long plait
The Shire River, Malawi, May 2015 (number 35)
31. Ride a parade float
32. Renew my wedding vows to Marcus, with Alex acting as maid of honour
33. Learn to play the drums
34. Visit Victoria Falls
35. Go on safari
36. Visit the Egyptian pyramids
37. Learn to yodel
38. Host a dressy, adults-only dinner party
39. Learn to belly dance
40. Take a jewelry making class
Sydney Opera House, October 2013 (number 41)
41. Visit Sydney Opera House
42. Sing blues in a bar
43. Visit Machu Picchu
44. Sew myself a garment that I would wear out in public
45. Hand make a ceramic vase that I would display in my home
46. Take a train ride across Europe
47. Learn to tango
48. Learn to play the harmonica
49. Photograph whirling dervishes
50. Photograph the faces of children from 10 countries
My henna’d hand (number 58). I actually now have henna done on important days — it’s become a self-care tradition.
51. Learn how to properly twirl a baton
52. Drink a glass of local wine in each of the top 10 winemaking countries of the world. The countries are (a strikeout indicates that I've already had the glass!): Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Chile, United States, Germany, Argentina, Portugal and South Africa
53. Milk a cow
54. Learn how to juggle.
55. Learn how to make pasta from scratch
56. Drink 700 blends of tea
57. Kiss the Blarney stone
58. Have my hands painted in henna
59. Learn how to solve Rubik's Cube
60. Photograph 100 people blowing bubbles in a public park
About to take off in a hot air balloon, Park City, Utah, June 2010 (number 67)
61. Visit Nairobi
62. Knit myself wristwarmers
63. Learn how to process black & white film
64. Grow a flower in a flowerpot from seed to full bloom
65. Learn to start a fire without matches or a lighter
66. Visit Rosslyn chapel
67. Ride in a hot air balloon
68. Swim with the manatee
69. Dive/snorkel with a whale shark
70. Go snorkeling in the Galapagos
The aurora borealis over Alaska, October 2016 (number 77)
71. Visit Mallorca
72. Have afternoon tea at the Ritz in London
73. Visit 20 Caribbean islands (So far: Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, St. Lucia, St Martin, Jamaica, Anguilla, Grand Cayman, Aruba
74. Visit the top of Corcovado mountain
75. Photograph the Maasai
76. Build an inukshuk in northern North America
77. Photograph the aurora borealis
78. Photograph the Milky Way
79. Have truffles in Paris
80. Taste 50 types of rum
Space Shuttle Endeavour, coming in for a landing at Johnson Space Center, a pitstop on her way to her final resting place in California, September 2012. (number 86)
81. Visit Cuba
82. Photograph an active volcano
83. Attend a seder
84. Attend a Hindu wedding
85. Have hot chocolate at the top of the Alps
86. Photograph the Space Shuttle
87. Take a trapeze lesson
88. Pass through the Panama canal
89. Harvest olives in Greece
90. Visit Tibet
At Super Bowl LI at NRG Stadium, February 2017 (number 106)
91. Learn how to digitally process video
92. Learn how to make tortillas from scratch
93. Walk the length of Hadrian's Wall
94. Visit Angel Falls
95. Ring in the New Year in either New York City, Sydney or Paris
96. Eat caviar in Red Square
97. Ride a camel
98. Go horseback riding on the beach
99. Dive with manta rays
100. Visit the Maldives before they disappear forever
101. Visit Easter Island
102. Photograph the Karen people of Myanmar
103. Learn to play the ukulele
104. Take a photograph of Amorphophallus titanum("corpse flower," or literally, "giant misshapen penis flower" -- I couldn't make this up) in full bloom.
105. Eat squeaky cheese in Wisconsin
106. Attend a nationally-televised sports championship game.
107. See Bobby McFerrin in concert.
108. Host a creative retreat at the Kariwak Village Holistic Haven & Hotel in Tobago
109. Become an ordained minister on the internet.
Wow — only about 25% done, by my calculation! I need to get a move on.
What’s on your Life List?