merry christmas, happy holidays, happy new year


This will be my last post for 2012, friends -- I'm going to take a break from Chookooloonks for the next week or so as we wind down the year, and prepare for 2013.  But before I go, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for continuing to come to my little corner of the internet.  This has been an amazing year for me, from speaking at TEDxHouston, to traveling to Ethiopia, to visiting Paris with my family, and I say this without reservation:  I love that you guys were with me, every step of the way.  It's because of your continued encouragement that I'm able to follow my bliss, and for this, I am profoundly grateful.

While I'm gone, I'll still be uploading a few posts over at Bliss Your Heart (I need to get caught up!), I'll likely be expressing myself via my newfound love of Flickr and of course, I'll be preparing everything for create.2013, my new online journaling and creativity course for framing the new year.  So many people from all over the world have already registered, and I can't wait.  Registration closes January 2nd and class begins January 7th, so I hope you'll join me!

And with that, I hope you all spend the rest of 2012 with people you love, having an amazing time with days full of happiness and cheer.  Thanks again, friends, and see you in the new year.

SongAuld Lang Syne as performed by Straight No Chaser