grabbing calm where i can
This season, I've made a terrible mistake. Even though I generally love Christmas and the weeks leading up to it, this year I've overcommitted. I have so much going on, and so much to do (not the least of which is to FINISH WRITING A BOOK I STILL HAVE ABOUT 250 PAGES TO GO OH MY GOD), that instead of really settling into the season, I'm finding myself spinning like a top, not knowing where to begin.
So. Baby steps.
Tomorrow I've got a quick day trip to Atlanta (literally there and back), and after that, I'm dedicating the next 10 days to book-writing. I'm hoping that if I make a serious dent in those 250 pages, I'll feel a little less frantic about the season.
In he meantime, I'm grabbing moments of calm where I can. Tons of mugs of tea. Listening to calming Christmas music. Staring at our crazy tree in the afternoon light.
Here's wishing you your own moments of calm, too.
Soundtrack: All that I want by The Weepies.