

A few days ago, I mentioned that I was mulling on a possible new online offering that helped build on the work that we do in the Path Finder course.  This is actually something I've been thinking about for a while:  having done all of the exercises in Path Finder myself at the beginning of my journey to changing my career, I realized that I'd come to believe that now that I was doing what I love to do, there was no more exercises to be done, you know?  I'm happy.  What more is there?

And then, this year, as we approach 2013, I realized that in many ways I've been doing the same thing for four years now, often by the seat of my pants, often by luck.  So yes, I'm happy, but if I believe that you make your own luck (and I do believe that), perhaps it's time to focus on how to make 2013 as great as I can?  After all, even if I'm doing the same things that I love to do, both personally and professionally, the truth is that circumstances around me are totally changing -- how do I continue to focus my passions and keep them fresh and new?

So I've been playing in my journals, and I think I've come up with some reflective and thought provoking exercises that are going to help frame 2013 in the best way possible.  And putting them all together, I've come up with CREATE.2013 -- a four-week online course that encourages playing in journals, framing the new year for awesome, without a resolution in sight (since I'm not a big fan of resolutions).  In many ways, it's similar to Path Finder -- lots of journaling prompts, everyday inspirations, that sort of things -- but it's also different, in that it's designed to help you figure out how to enhance your life, rather than change it.  It's focused on merely the year ahead, rather than your entire life ahead.  And at its core, it's a journaling practice that will help give a kick start to your own creativity.

Will you join meRegistration is open today, and will continue through January 2, 2013 (class will begin on January 7th).  You don't have to have taken the Path Finder course to have done this (although there will be elements which are similar, and you'll be able to see how this evolves from the material there) -- you won't have missed a thing if you haven't and the course is open to everyone.

Details and registration are here.  I hope you'll join me.  Let's hit 2013 out of the park.