around here

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I’ve started to think that the first person who said “the days are long but the years are short” might have been living through a pandemic. Days seem incredibly long, blending one into another. And yet, I can’t believe it’s mid-May already. Time, apparently, does keep on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future.

Around here …

… I’m trying to write the book. It is slow-going, and difficult since I continue to work full-time as a coach while I write it, but I remain as excited about it as ever. So I light candles and put on instrumental music and do what I need to do to stay focused;

… Soca is getting shaggier and shaggier, poor thing. The earliest we can get her in to an appropriately socially-distancing groomer is 2 weeks from now, by which time I predict she will be full Wookiee;

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… Marcus, Alex and I have found our separate corners to do our work/schooling, meeting occasionally in the kitchen when we’re getting our cups of tea or snacks. Marcus says it’s like we’re all sharing a coworking space, and I guess we are;

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… our little kitchen garden, while severely ignored, is nonetheless producing, and providing a nice place to work when we need a change of scenery;

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… in the evenings, I’ve been playing with some new toys — an iPad and an Apple Pencil — that I bought mostly to see if I could create my usual journal pages in a digital format. I’m having so much fun, I’m getting ideas about how I can use the results …


What about you, friends? What does it look like around you?

Soundtrack: Fly like an eagle, as performed by Seal