on plans

I am a planner.

You know those people who have to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours ahead of departure time? Yeah, that's me.  I write down everything I need to pack for a trip before I begin to pack, and don't cross anything off until each item has actually gone into the suitcase.  When I travel for work, I actually type out my itinerary and print it out to have on me; also, I make sure to set alarms on my phone to make sure that I get to each to each date on time.  Not only that? I even schedule downtime -- with alarms! --  on extensive trips, as well.  I add things to my calendar months ahead of time, I make lists for everything. 

In short, I love a plan.

And yet?  In my world, there is no more annoying question to me than, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" And I cannot honestly tell you why that is.  Maybe because 5 years seems like an awfully long time to plan ahead?  Maybe because I secretly wish I was more spontaneous?

Earlier today, I took a walk, and was thinking that even though we're in the middle of summer, fall isn't that far away -- and historically, I start thinking about things like words of the year and vision boards around that time.  So I started thinking about what I might want for the coming year... and as I was daydreaming, I remembered how employers used to love that "5-year-plan" question.  And then I wondered .... should I have a five-year-plan?  Now that I love what I do, do I need to start thinking more long term than just the coming year?

Do you know where you want to be in 5 years? Do you wish you did?  Do you not care?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Image:  Photographed with my Nikon D300, 17-50mm Tamron lens.  aperture 7.1, shutter speed 1/100, ISO 200.


Song:  Sea Lion Woman by Feist