on the 9th day of chookooloonks ... dreaming big

This time of year makes me itchy.

I love Christmas and everything about it, but that's not what's doing it.  It's the fact that I'm champing at the bit for the new year.  Right about now, I start dreaming about the things that I want to manifest in the next 12 months:  what sorts of things I want for my family.  The kinds of goals I want to set for myself professionally.  Distant lands I'd love to travel to. 

I also start dreaming about my word of the year around this time, as well.  Earlier this fall, I thought I'd found it (ABUNDANCE), but over the last couple of weeks, another word keeps coming up:  EVOLUTION. 

See?  Itchy.

In any event, this time of year, I'm predictably introspective, but also wildly hopeful.

This time of year, I dream big dreams.


* * * * * * *

On the home stretch, friends:  today is Day 9 of The 12 Days of Chookooloonks.  Today, I'm so thrilled to feature items which will help you dream big for 2012:


Image courtesy of Khristian A. Howell

Khristian A. Howell is a textile designer and an artist, and I've been impressed with her work and reading her blog for some time now.  So needless to say, I was quite flattered when she contacted me and offered to contribute 3 of her "jotters" (shown above) for my giveaway.  These pocket-sized journals would be perfect for capturing your mondo-beyondo-type dreams for 2012. 

Here's more about Khristian:

Artist's statement:  I am a color + pattern expert who is in love with color, travel, and anything French. If you were to ask me what I couldn't live without, my answer would be olives. As a designer, my collections always start with a color story because that's the main source of my inspiration.


And speaking of mondo-beyondo-type dreams....


Image courtesy Mondo Beyondo

Want to dream big, but don't know where to begin?  Have I got the online course for you:  Mondo Beyondo, led by artists and dreamers Andrea Scher and Jen Lemen.  These two ladies have been wildly successful in helping people overcome their fears and dream big: and they're offering a place in their upcoming course, beginning January 9th.  Are you in?

Here's more about Mondo Beyondo:

Artists' statement:  What happens when you give an unspoken wish a place to become a dream come true? How do you gather the courage required to help a new found dream soar? Join seasoned dreamers Andrea Scher and Jen Lemen to explore Mondo Beyondo -- the powerful point of view that transforms our deepest dreams into practical realities.


And again, you'll receive a 2012 Chookooloonks desk calendar (comes packaged in a fold-out CD case), featuring 13 of my favourite images from 2011.


As always, for a chance to win these gifts, simply leave a comment below, saying whatever you'd like, before 12:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 21st, US Central TimePlease leave only one comment.  Also, it doesn't matter where in the world you are.  I'll choose a winner at random using Random.org, and update this post when that person is chosen.

(For the duration of the 12 Days of Chookooloonks, please note that there is no guarantee that you will receive any items before Christmas.) 

Good luck, friends!


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AND THE WINNER IS:  According to Random.org, the winner is Sarah, who said "this is a mondo beyondo giveaway!!"  Congratulations, Sarah!  Please keep a lookout in your inbox for an email from me with instructions on what to do next.

Thanks for participating, everyone -- only 3 days left!


SongDreamin' by Amos Lee.  'Cause that's just good end-of-year dreamin' music, right there.

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