nablopomo day 16: rainfall

Yesterday, a proper rainstorm blew through, so I seized the opportunity to experiment:  I wanted to see if I could capture the raindrops as they fell.  So I grabbed my camera and stood on our front porch, and started snapping away.

Here's some of what I got.






When you don't have to leave home, there is seriously no better weather in the world.


Images:  Photographed with my Nikon D300, 50mm lens.  aperture 1.4, shutter speed 1/4000, ISO 640.  The results are almost what I was going for, but not quite.  I do believe, however, that the trick is a very fast shutter speed.


Song: All that I can say by Gretchen Parlato.  I've had this album on repeat for the past few days, and it goes beautifully with the sound of rain on a windowpane.


Karen Walrond6 Comments