in search of good weekend reads

I've recently been spending a lot of time reading, and I can't tell you how happy I am about this.  I'm not sure where I've suddenly found the time to read, but since I was a voracious reader when I was a kid, a habit that in recent years has seriously waned, I'm not complaining -- I'm just glad I'm back in the reading saddle. 

I'm planning to go to the bookstore this weekend, and I'm not sure what I'll buy -- any suggestions?  In exchange, here are some of my recent favourites:

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao -- Very dark, but very good.

Downtown Owl -- Twenty pages from the end of this book, I would've described this book as just "fine." But the ending hits you out of the blue.  Really clever.  If you liked "Fargo," you'll like this.

A Walk in the Woods -- Bill Bryson is my favourite writer of all time, bar none.  This book is about his walk on the Appalachian Trail, and while I have little to no interest at all in the Appalachian Trail, I read this book in one sitting, it was so good and so funny.  In fact, days later, there were passages that I was still giggling about out loud to myself.  Alex was starting to look at me with worry. 

Have a great weekend, everyone.


Song: Vegas, baby by The Weepies

Flowers on the main street of Manzanita.  Photographed with Nikon D300, 35mm lens.

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