5 years later

I mentioned yesterday that it was officially my 5th anniversary blogging.  It's sort of amazing how much has changed in 5 years:  Marcus and I became parents to our little Alex, I became a professional writer and a photographer, and I started really understanding how important ... imperative ... it was for me to begin living my life more authentically.  It's been a good 5 years.

And really, what would a birthday be without a present?  And so to celebrate properly, leave a comment below, telling me all the great ways your life has changed in the past 5 years, and I'll pick a commenter from random to receive the gift of a 12x12 print of the image "Sunday Blossom." I'll keep comments open until midnight tonight.

I can't wait to read what you share.


Song5 years time by Noah and the Whale

Karen Walrond53 Comments