through the viewfinder: texas sunset

Hope you had a great weekend everyone!  This week is as anticipation-filled for me as last week: I'll be speaking at the Mom 2.0 Summit here in Houston -- including, unbelievably, participating in a "fireside chat" keynote with the inimitable Guy Kawasaki (who, me?  nervous?).  There are even more amazing speakers at this conference, so if, on the off-chance, you're still on the fence about attending, I encourage you to go ahead and take the plunge:  it's promising to be a pretty great event.  And I know that some of you are planning on attending, so please come up and say hi -- I'd love to meet you.  Really, really.

So, yeah!  Busy week!  And I'm sure you've all got a ton on your plates as well.  May you have a great week -- and yet still have enough time to stop and check out the sunsets.


SongKnock, knock by The Accidental

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