view 14: the verge of celebration

Alex's last day of school for the year was yesterday, so we've officially started celebrating Christmas.  As soon as she got home I put her to work, getting ready for the exceedingly kid-friendly open house we're going to be having today.




December views.


(Speaking of "celebration," thanks loads to for listing me #5 on their list of the best designed parenting blogs -- I'm pleased, not just for me, but even more for my very talented site designer, Krystyn.  Krystyn is one of those artists who doesn't just have great taste, but she also really gets to know her clients, and comes up with the perfect design to fit their personalities.

So Krystyn, this one's for you, friend.  Thank you.)


SongThe Little Drummer Boy, as performed by Bing Crosby and David Bowie.  My favourite Christmas music video of all time.

Karen Walrond6 Comments