chookooloonks :: discover your superpowers :: karen walrond
lightmaker • radiant rebel • total amateur

 join the radiant rebellion squadron

it’s time to raise a little hell

getting older = evolving into who you’re meant to become

When I told people that I was writing a book about joyful aging, they were thrilled … and then they offered a litany of issues I should tackle. “Talk about how our looks fade.” “Talk about chronic illness.” “Talk about decline.

It made no sense: at the time, I was turning 55, my daughter was graduating college, and my happy marriage was turning 20. I was feeling great. And as I looked around at my friends my age and older, they were all doing amazing things: writing bestselling books. Producing musicals. Teaching college classes. Why did folks have such negative views about aging, when everyone I was surrounded by was just getting started?

And so, I set out to discover the answer to that question, and figure out if there was any way that I could rebel against convention as I got older. In the process, because the wisdom of some amazing folks —including Brené Brown, Tarana Burke, Ashton Applewhite, Linda Lorelle, Brad Montague and Steve Bennett, just to name a few — was too good not to share, it all went into my book. October 17th, Radiant Rebellion: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy & Raise a Little Hell will come to the world. And I could use your help to spread the word.

if you believe in:

growing older as more expansive than the world would have us believe

defining who you are, and who you are to be

the power of connection and belonging

spiritual self-care, the practice of gratitude, and the power of play

and approaching life with a sense of adventure

then you should join me.


here’s how it works:

As a member of the Radiant Rebellion Squadron, you’ll help me spread the good word about the book by:

  1. reading the book;

  2. leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads;

  3. amplifying the book and/or public book or media events on your social media feeds

  4. any other ideas creative ideas you’d like to try!

And in exchange for your generous participation on the team, here's what you’ll get:

  1. A rebel care package, mailed directly to your US address, with goodies that will help you make all sorts of light;

  2. Membership into a private Radiant Rebellion Squadron Substack, where we’ll brainstorm all the ways we can inspire folks to join the rebellion;

  3. An early signed hardcopy of Radiant Rebellion, that you’ll receive before it’s available to the public!

  4. A few more goodies I have up my sleeve!

There are only 50 Squadron assignments — but don’t worry, there will be other ways to get the word out, especially for those who are outside of the United States, stay tuned! If you’re interested, please fill out the form below!


thank you so much for your interest!

The Radiant Rebellion Squadron has been filled!

but don’t worry and stay tuned …

More opportunities to join the rebellion are coming very soon!