create.2020: the 15-day, self-guided ecourse for framing the new year

create.2020: the 15-day, self-guided ecourse for framing the new year


sometimes the best way to start a new year is to visualize it.

The beginning of a new year:  a time when we're moved to make lists of resolutions -- resolutions which can be difficult to commit to, much less actually carry out.


what if there was a better way?

What if there was a way to tap into what worked for us in the previous year, and make a conscious effort to continue this good into the new year?  A way of using our own creativity to visualize our wishes and crystallize our best intentions for the new year?  A method of checking in with ourselves each day to keep us on track for our truest hopes? 

enter create.2020.  


about the course

CREATE.2020 is a 15-day, self-guided journaling course to help you reflect on the previous year, dream about the new one, and help guide you to actualize your best intentions for 2020.  Every day for 15 days you'll receive prompts, exercises, food for thought and meditations in your inbox directly from Karen, to help you journal your way into formulating your best intentions for 2020.  You'll create a practice of journaling (including art journaling!), tailored to spark your own inspiration, and help make 2020 your best year ever.


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session details

When:  Class begins Monday, January 6, 2020every day for 15 days.

Where:  Online, in your email box, and in the comfort of your own home.  The course is self-paced, and as private as you'd like it to be.  In addition, you'll need a journal, some favourite pens, old magazines (including all those Christmas catalogs that keep showing up in your mailbox!)  and any art supplies you've been dying to play around with.

How:  Every day for 15 days, you'll receive journaling prompts, exercises, lessons and meditations in your inbox.  

Who:  Anyone who is looking to create a journaling and creativity practice for the coming year.

Why:  Because spending time with yourself and your hopes and dreams (especially after all the excitement of the end of the year) is always an awesome thing.

How Much:  Only USD$ 35 total — way less than the price of your daily latte, and more nourishing!

CREATE.2020 is all about spending some time with yourself, to uncover what you truly want for 2020.

Class begins Monday, January 6th.  I hope you'll join me.



"Thank you Karen from the bottom, top and middle of my heart ... You are an amazing teacher/leader and I am very grateful to have been in your class. With your help, I'm on my way to awesome.
— Jill Finger

"Thank you so much for offering this class, Karen! I got more out of it then I ever imagined. All you prompts and links have been very inspirational and motivating. I'm especially grateful to you opening my eyes to art journaling. It's just so wonderful! I'm definitely looking forward to continuing these new practices and to, "look for the light" in this new year. :) Thank you again! I hope this new year is an amazing one for you and filled with lots of light, laughter, evolution, love, and joy."
— Taj