view from 30,000 feet big plans, random thoughtsKaren WalrondJanuary 25, 2016the big picture, koren motekaitis, how she does it Comments
this was a good week places, a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJanuary 22, 2016altitude design summit, alt summit, gabrielle blair, luvvie ajayi, sarah michelle gellar, mariam naficy, jihan zencirli, helen jane hearn, barbara jones, salt lake city Comments
you were only waiting for this moment to arise random thoughts, how to make lightKaren WalrondJanuary 18, 2016dare Comments
random thoughts: creativity and practice random thoughtsKaren WalrondJanuary 13, 2016malcolm gladwell, practice, creativity Comment
random thought: never let 'em see you sweat (but sweat you must) big plans, random thoughtsKaren WalrondJanuary 11, 2016sweat, working hard, big goalsComment
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondJanuary 8, 2016photography, ron clark academy, random acts of kindness, periscope, a capella Comments
on faith, patience and talent random thoughtsKaren WalrondJanuary 6, 2016faith, patience, impatience, talents, working hard Comments
texture, colour & light random thoughtsKaren WalrondJanuary 4, 2016photography, texture, colour, light Comments
happy new year! (and some exciting news!) big plansKaren WalrondJanuary 1, 2016coaching, happy new year, ecourse Comments
how to thrive by aretha franklin how to make lightKaren WalrondDecember 30, 2015aretha franklin, kennedy center honors, carole king Comments
this was a good week a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondDecember 18, 2015sparklers, victorian dogs, hygge, american sign language, jenny lawson, the bloggess, johnnyswimComment