my favourite shot from canada family, placesKaren WalrondJanuary 2, 2015marcus, alex, canada, vancouver, grouse mountain Comments
this was a good week places, a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondDecember 26, 2014canada, vancouver, this was a good week Comment
sometimes "you just don't want to" is a perfectly good reason (or, my fear of heights remains wholly intact) big plans, placesKaren WalrondDecember 23, 2014capilano suspension bridge, vancouver, canada, fear, fear of heights Comments
togs: holiday sightseeing, and what pinterest is teaching me about myself Karen WalrondDecember 22, 2014togs, holidays, sightseeing, travelwear Comments
this was a good week: introducing the thrive a/v journaling club! big plans, a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondDecember 19, 2014thrive a/v journaling club Comments
random thoughts: sometimes focus is overrated random thoughtsKaren WalrondDecember 15, 2014focus Comment
#decembermoments: an advent calendar. sort of. Karen WalrondDecember 10, 2014christmas, holidays, december, advent Comments
this was a good week? a little list of good thingsKaren WalrondDecember 5, 2014eric garner, michael brown, trayvon martin, darren wilson, civil rights
i wonder (a mother/daughter collaboration) familyKaren WalrondDecember 3, 2014ellie, short story, storytelling, alex Comments
home to england family, friends, places, random thoughtsKaren WalrondDecember 2, 2014england, cornwall, gloucestershire, herefordshire, london, friends, family, home Comments